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AMLPHAC membership credential

Share academic and social experiences with other partners during face-to-face and / or virtual events organized by AMLPHAC

Quarterly online newsletter

Free access to didactic material generated by the Academic Committee

Have access to the annual business session and extraordinary sessions of the AMLPHAC assembly

Inclusion in the directory of AMLPHAC professionals

Preferential cost discount for the XX National Congress in Ensenada

@Journal Club

Preferential cost with service providers

Be in the Directory of Lip and Palate Clinics of Mexico on the AMLPHAC website with mention of its multidisciplinary team.

Fiscal address: Calle 57 # 17 | Col. Puebla | CP 15020 | CdMx \\ Tel: 01.55.5932-0779, 044.55.30404003

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  • Bachelor's degree

  • Bachelor's certificate

  • Specialty title

  • Specialty certificate

  • If you have any other postgraduate study (subspecialty, master's or doctorate) send the title or diploma


  • Digital photography, color, date, with formal dress and white Ondo f, resolution 300 dpi.


  • Abbreviated Curriculum Synthesis


  • Transfer or Deposit made to: IXE Account 01728357-4, CLABE: 072180000172835747, in the name of the MEXICAN ASSOCIATION OF CLEFT LIP AND PALATE AND CRANEOFACIAL ANOMALIES, AC






Banco: Banorte 

Cuenta: 0017283574

CLABE: 072180000172835747

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